And deliver me,"
A relationship with God is even more crucial now that his second coming is closer than ever. To not fear his second coming, we must have a personal relationship with God.
" In the Lord I put my trust; How can you say to my soul, "Flee as a bird to your mountain"?"
Psalm Chapter 11: Verse: 1. Reminds us again to put our trust in God. When we have faith in God we have no fear for the challenges of life, but in order for our faith to be strong we must PRAY.
I am also a victim of not praying enough. We feel especially low in spirit and self when life is not going the way we want or how we planned. This is the time we should pray more, when we face challenges and struggles. Easier said than done, I know.
Prayer should be a daily conversation with God it should not only be when we feel like it or want something. Maybe we need to change the way we think about prayer, not as a chore but as conversation with our heavenly father. Check out Bobby Schuller on Hour of Power on TBN, his sermon inspired this blog post. His website is hourofpower.org/
HAPPY BREATHING!!!!>>>>>>>>>>
STAY BLESSED!!! Until my next post :)
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