Sunday, 12 June 2016
JAmessenger_ilovejesus: THE MEDIA AND OBJECTIVITY
JAmessenger_ilovejesus: THE MEDIA AND OBJECTIVITY: THE MEDIA AND OBJECTIVITY Can journalists achieve objectivity? Objectivity is looking at everything from all perspectives, enabling ... Interesting READ please check it out and comment!!
Saturday, 30 January 2016
journalists achieve objectivity?
is looking at everything from all perspectives, enabling us to have a
non-biased view of any situation, place or person. “The ability to make
decisions based on facts rather than on your own personal feelings or beliefs.”
(The Macmillan dictionary) “Although within the professional modern practice of
journalism it is widely accepted that objectivity is an ideal that cannot be
reached…” (Blaagaard, 2013, 1079) Objectivity is an ideal that is not tangible,
you can try to attain it or strive to come close to objectivity but never truly
achieve it. Blagaard states that in order for journalists to be objective or to
come as close as possible, they must follow the ethical and professional
principles such as “…factuality, fairness, non-bias, independence,
non-interpretation, and neutrality and detachment (Ward, 2008:19).” (Blaagaard,
2013, 1079) These guiding professional and ethical principles help journalists
to try to be objective in the way they produce their written or broad cast
stories. The professional and ethical principles Blaagaard outlined are similar
to the media and journalistic organizations examples in this paper. The Society
of Professional Journalists (SPJ) has four important core principles that they
believe help to foster ethical journalism. These are: To seek the truth and report it- to be honest, to seek different perspectives
of a story, give accurate information, do in-depth research and do not
minimize harm- asking journalists to have a conscience when dealing with
sensitive stories of murder, sexual assault especially of minors, to
differentiate between what is legal and what is ethical. To act independently- meaning journalists should resist bribes;
also resist aligning themselves to biased organizations on the business side of
journalism. To be accountable and
transparent-journalists should be willing to be held accountable for the
work they publish to the public. (Society of Professional Journalists, 2014)
The SPJ core principles for journalists to attain objectivity are similar to
those of Tony Rogers Journalism Expert, United Nations Educational, Scientific
and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Wesley Gibbings President of the
Association of Caribbean Media Workers and Pew Research Journalism Project.
There is hope for journalists who want to be and be seen as professionals if
they follow similar ethical principles such as these that guide them on how to
be professional and bring them closer to the ideal of objectivity.
Journalism expert, Tony Rogers
advises journalists not to use adjectives as they convey feelings. He
encourages them to use fairness, to give both perspectives on an issue and equal
attention to both sides of whatever story they tell. Rogers also advises
journalists to behave accordingly “A reporter’s Conduct- …must not only be
objective and fair but also convey an image of being objective and fair.”
(Rogers, 2014) A reporter’s professionalism is tied to how objective their image
appears to be and their journalistic work that they produce. Professionalism
and objectivity converge, and have the same meaning in the profession of
journalism. I appreciate this point of view of Rogers’ that the journalists
should place the power in the hands of the public, let the public decide if
their content is reliable. He advises journalists to state their honest
political, cultural or religious affiliations, which their perspectives are
based on in their written or broadcasted stories to the public.
If this is done
then the public is aware and has the power to make an informed decision whether
to trust this journalistic work or not. Journalists would have greater social
responsibility and be held accountable for their work. This will help bring
journalists a step closer to the ideal of objectivity. UNESCO is a specialized
intellectual agency of the United Nations created in 1945. This organization’s
aim is to contribute to lasting peace and to accomplish this through fostering
human moral and intellectual unity. (UNESCO, current) UNESCO created ten
ethical and professional principles to guide journalists as they saw a growth in
social responsibility being placed on journalists. Number 3 of these principles
the journalists’ social responsibility
is a very good ethical guide that allows for the accountability of journalists
to the public and also to the media houses they represent. It encourages
journalists to be responsible for the work they produce and that their work is
not just a commodity but a “social good”. (UNESCO and the International
Organizations of Journalists, et.al, 1983)
Wesley Gibbings a Trinidadian Journalist
and the President of the Association of Caribbean Media Workers and Deputy
Convener of the International Freedom of Expression Exchange. In an interview
in The Sunday Guardian Trinidad and Tobago conducted by Shereen Ali, Gibbings
was asked his view about objectivity in the media. The question was if the
media had any hope of ever being objective. He stated that objectivity has been
debated for years and he also believes objectivity is an issue in other
professions. Gibbings believes that journalists must have freedom of expression
in order to be responsible, professional and to be able to try to be as
objective as they can. If the journalist has no freedom of speech the story
will be non-objective. (The Sunday Guardian Trinidad and Tobago, 2014) This is
true, if a journalist is restricted from freedom of speech by the government or
laws the story will be biased, only showing one perspective and only beneficial
to the restricting authority.
Pew Research Journalism Project Group
researches the changes in media, and media in general and publishes the results
of their research to the public. The group states objectively on their website
that, “Pew research does not take positions on any issue it covers or on policy
debates”. (Pew Research Journalism Project) They outline 9 guiding ethical
principles for journalists to follow to become professional. What makes Pew’s
guiding principles stand out is that they conducted research over 3 years that
included gaining the perspectives of journalists and other persons. The fact
that journalists contributed to these core principles gives them credibility
and shows that some journalists are trying to be as objective as they can in
their journalistic work, and not all hope is lost. Tony Rogers stated that it
is disrespectful to imply that the profession of journalism needs to be
dismissed or is totally corrupted with bias, because of an ideal or concept of
objectivity. Journalists do not have all the answers to moral questions for
example, abortion. It is also disrespectful to journalists, who follow the
ethical and professional codes and guidelines of the profession. (Rogers, 2014)
Other professions require the need for objectivity to be seen as professional
for example a judge, yet they are not viewed in the same way as a journalist.
“True objectivity is impossible,
since, all humans, reporters included, have their own set of biases,
[prejudices], and preconceptions.” (Rogers, 2014) All these guiding principles provide hope for
the journalist who wants to be and be seen as professional. A journalist that
tries to be as objective as they realistically can be, and adhere to the ethical
and professional codes of the profession are a professional journalist.
Professionalism and objectivity converge in the profession of journalism.
© 2016 Toni-Ann
D. Stewart and © 2016 JAMESSENGER_TV
Posted online on
January 30, 2016.
Blaagaard, B. (2013).
Shifting boundaries: Objectivity, citizen journalism and tomorrow’s
journalists. Journalism, 14, 1077-1090. doi:10.117/1464884912469081
Dictionary Online
Research Journalism Project. Principles of Journalism.
T. (2014). Objectivity and Fairness.
Rogers, T. (2014). Why the ‘Objectivity is Outdated’
Argument Falls Apart.
Retrieved from http://journalism.about.com/od/ethicsprofessionalism/a/Why-The-Objectivity-Is-Outdated-Argument-Falls-Flat.htm
of Professional Journalists. 2014. SPJ Code of Ethics.
Retrieved from http://www.spj.org/ethicscode.asp
The Sunday
Guardian Trinidad and Tobago. (2014). Wesley Gibbings: Journalists not obliged
to disclose their politics.
Retrieved from http://www.guardian.co.tt/news/2014-03-23/wesley-gibbings-journalists-not-obliged-disclose-their-politics
Hope you found this post informative!! Have a happy week!! Let me know via your comments!!!
Thursday, 22 January 2015
PRAYER is like breathing take a deep calming breath... you know we cannot live without breathing right, but lets get it right for 2015 let's breathe right with God :)
To receive salvation we must put our trust in God. To be protected under the name of Jesus we must build a relationship through prayer with our heavenly father. The father, the son and the Holy Spirit are ONE. Psalm Chapter 7: Verse 1 states " O Lord my God, in you I put my trust; Save me from all those who persecute me;
And deliver me,"
A relationship with God is even more crucial now that his second coming is closer than ever. To not fear his second coming, we must have a personal relationship with God.
" In the Lord I put my trust; How can you say to my soul, "Flee as a bird to your mountain"?"
Psalm Chapter 11: Verse: 1. Reminds us again to put our trust in God. When we have faith in God we have no fear for the challenges of life, but in order for our faith to be strong we must PRAY.
I am also a victim of not praying enough. We feel especially low in spirit and self when life is not going the way we want or how we planned. This is the time we should pray more, when we face challenges and struggles. Easier said than done, I know.
Prayer should be a daily conversation with God it should not only be when we feel like it or want something. Maybe we need to change the way we think about prayer, not as a chore but as conversation with our heavenly father. Check out Bobby Schuller on Hour of Power on TBN, his sermon inspired this blog post. His website is hourofpower.org/
HAPPY BREATHING!!!!>>>>>>>>>>
STAY BLESSED!!! Until my next post :)

And deliver me,"
A relationship with God is even more crucial now that his second coming is closer than ever. To not fear his second coming, we must have a personal relationship with God.
" In the Lord I put my trust; How can you say to my soul, "Flee as a bird to your mountain"?"
Psalm Chapter 11: Verse: 1. Reminds us again to put our trust in God. When we have faith in God we have no fear for the challenges of life, but in order for our faith to be strong we must PRAY.
I am also a victim of not praying enough. We feel especially low in spirit and self when life is not going the way we want or how we planned. This is the time we should pray more, when we face challenges and struggles. Easier said than done, I know.
Prayer should be a daily conversation with God it should not only be when we feel like it or want something. Maybe we need to change the way we think about prayer, not as a chore but as conversation with our heavenly father. Check out Bobby Schuller on Hour of Power on TBN, his sermon inspired this blog post. His website is hourofpower.org/
HAPPY BREATHING!!!!>>>>>>>>>>
STAY BLESSED!!! Until my next post :)
Tuesday, 20 January 2015
The New Year is Rife with Strife
What's next for 2015??? We ended 2014 with a BANG!
The Chikungunya virus affectionately called chik V virus epidemic in the Caribbean to Ebola fears world wide. I had the chik- V virus and it was not affectionate. West Africans and Sierra Leone citizens lost their lives and are still loosing their lives to Ebola. President of Liberia Ellen Johnson Sirleaf wrote a letter in the Marabi Post pleading for unity and global help to stop the ebola epidemic that had claimed up to the time she wrote the letter 2,000 Liberian lives. I pray the epidemic will end.
There was increased violence towards young men of African descent in the "West"; there was Mario Dean (he was beaten to death in police lock up) in Jamaica, the Mike Brown situation ( he was shot by a police officer) in Fergusson Missouri which led to riots and looting in that town. The death of Eric Gardner in New York (police held him in a choke hold which resulted in his death). These deaths brought back memories of the Trayvon Martin death and case where George Zimmerman ( A vigilante with a gun) walked free in Florida. John Crawford III was shot in a Walmart by police in Dayton Ohio, he had a toy gun in his hand. Similarly, 12 year old Tamir Rice was shot by Cleveland police he was playing with a toy gun. It was a sad year. But it showed us the truth the 'West' is becoming more of a police state. Racism is not dead it seems it can never die. Cops and marines don't seem to know the difference between a real gun and a toy gun.The police officers in these cases have not been penalized by the justice system which led to riots in New York, Cleveland and Fergusson.
Tesstober #Tesstober was awesome Tessanne Chin rocked her tour of the United States she had a full house and much love at all her performances. #Agentsongbird went on an amazing advertising campaign for Telecommunications giant #Digicel, she is one of their brand ambassadors. I cannot wait to see what she has in store for her fans for 2015.
#Chinitagoodas Roll out
Photo of Tessanne in Boston from her Facebook page.
We saw the power of social media at the end of 2014 when the voice and lyrics of a presumed 'mad man' -mentally unstable man now called Gully Bop reached our ears. He found his way into our hearts when we saw him performing his lyrics on YouTube and Facebook. He has re-launched his DJ career, as he fell on hard times in the late 80's and early 90's and disappeared from the Jamaican music scene or #dancehall space. He was working as a mechanic since the early 90's. His infectious lyrics "Every gal want a wuk offa me.... BOP BOP" are bursting through and mashing up the airways. I wish him new teeth and a good long career in #dancehall.
Photo of Gully Bop from The Jamaica Gleaner's website, The article entitled "Viral Buss".
We have begun 2015 with Terror attacks in Paris France, Boko haram have killed and kidnapped many Northern Nigerians and the situation seems to be getting worse......
#FromGullyBoptoterrorinparis hash tag this on Twitter, FB, and Instagram
This is my first blog post, I hope you enjoyed welcome me to the blogosphere! :)
#finally a blogger :) Until my next post Stay Blessed!!!!
The Chikungunya virus affectionately called chik V virus epidemic in the Caribbean to Ebola fears world wide. I had the chik- V virus and it was not affectionate. West Africans and Sierra Leone citizens lost their lives and are still loosing their lives to Ebola. President of Liberia Ellen Johnson Sirleaf wrote a letter in the Marabi Post pleading for unity and global help to stop the ebola epidemic that had claimed up to the time she wrote the letter 2,000 Liberian lives. I pray the epidemic will end.
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Medical workers with a Ebola victim. Picture from nbcnews.com |
There was increased violence towards young men of African descent in the "West"; there was Mario Dean (he was beaten to death in police lock up) in Jamaica, the Mike Brown situation ( he was shot by a police officer) in Fergusson Missouri which led to riots and looting in that town. The death of Eric Gardner in New York (police held him in a choke hold which resulted in his death). These deaths brought back memories of the Trayvon Martin death and case where George Zimmerman ( A vigilante with a gun) walked free in Florida. John Crawford III was shot in a Walmart by police in Dayton Ohio, he had a toy gun in his hand. Similarly, 12 year old Tamir Rice was shot by Cleveland police he was playing with a toy gun. It was a sad year. But it showed us the truth the 'West' is becoming more of a police state. Racism is not dead it seems it can never die. Cops and marines don't seem to know the difference between a real gun and a toy gun.The police officers in these cases have not been penalized by the justice system which led to riots in New York, Cleveland and Fergusson.
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Twitter feed on Facebbok when Fergusson was 'lit up' from lovelyti's Facebook page. |
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New Yorker's in the Streets after ruling on Eric Gardner's death 2014 from Lovelyti's Facebook page. |
Tesstober #Tesstober was awesome Tessanne Chin rocked her tour of the United States she had a full house and much love at all her performances. #Agentsongbird went on an amazing advertising campaign for Telecommunications giant #Digicel, she is one of their brand ambassadors. I cannot wait to see what she has in store for her fans for 2015.
#Chinitagoodas Roll out
Photo of Tessanne in Boston from her Facebook page.
We saw the power of social media at the end of 2014 when the voice and lyrics of a presumed 'mad man' -mentally unstable man now called Gully Bop reached our ears. He found his way into our hearts when we saw him performing his lyrics on YouTube and Facebook. He has re-launched his DJ career, as he fell on hard times in the late 80's and early 90's and disappeared from the Jamaican music scene or #dancehall space. He was working as a mechanic since the early 90's. His infectious lyrics "Every gal want a wuk offa me.... BOP BOP" are bursting through and mashing up the airways. I wish him new teeth and a good long career in #dancehall.
Photo of Gully Bop from The Jamaica Gleaner's website, The article entitled "Viral Buss".
We have begun 2015 with Terror attacks in Paris France, Boko haram have killed and kidnapped many Northern Nigerians and the situation seems to be getting worse......
#FromGullyBoptoterrorinparis hash tag this on Twitter, FB, and Instagram
This is my first blog post, I hope you enjoyed welcome me to the blogosphere! :)
#finally a blogger :) Until my next post Stay Blessed!!!!
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